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Save the World, Lose the Mullet... A Midtown Interview | Photos | Links | Lyrics I Like. | Picture This... You're A Pig. | 3-2-1 Contact Me.
Save the World, Lose the Mullet... A Midtown Interview




What's the name on your birth certificate? Robert Hoover Hitt o Tyler Scott Rambone o Heath Matthew Saraceno o Gabriel Eduardo Saporta Where and when did you guys meet? Tyler: we all new each other previously, but midtown formed in New Brunswick NJ in 1999 o Gabe: It was like magic. my eyes and robs' eyes met from across the room at the blue oyster. before we knew it, we were grinding it up on the dance floor. the next morning, (well afternoon, really--we hardly got much sleep that night!), rob told me about this couple he knows from Bridgewater, Tyler and heath, who rock out on guitar, and so we decided to start midtown (which is after all, the part of the city that has the most gay clubs). What's in your cd player right now? Rob: Saves the Day and Grade o Tyler: either Travis' "The Man Who" or a burned Radiohead mix CD o Heath: a burned copy of some smoking popes songs o Gabe: yanni and ricky martin Favorite movies? Tyler: Braveheart, A Clockwork Orange, Raiders of the lost Ark, any James Bond movie, the Matrix o Heath: Fight Club, American Beauty, Kentucky Fried Movie, Amazon Women on the Moon, Clerks, Mallrats, Project X o Gabe: Mrs. Doutfire What are some of your bad habits? Rob: Making jokes, but I think the band is the only one who thinks it is a bad habit o Heath: smoking cigarettes o Gabe: not sleeping (ahem, it's 6 am now) How do you, as an artist, feel about all this napster shit? Do you think those who use napster are stealing music and does it make you angry that people are getting your songs for free? Rob: Napster, well lets think of it this way... If it is banned then the rich continue to get richer and the poor continue to get poorer. It helps little bands and medium bands get noticed and generate an audience that they might have never had. Bands across America can now tour to any city in America and there is a possibility that they will have people singing along at every show because of mp3's. I've seen it first hand. As far as the big bands like Metallica, don't they have enough money already. They are being greedy to say the least. It is every bands dream to be able to tour and have tons of kids singing along and if napster helps that dream, then more power to it. Plus, has there even been any evidence that cdr's and napster have any huge effect on record sales. People still love to be able to hold an original cd and flip the pages through the layout and people will still buy the cds. o Tyler: Music is meant to be enjoyed, to form a bond or connection between artist and listener, what ever that may be, however that may be. I would love it if everyone could enjoy our music, regardless of how they heard it. This is a question of musical intentions...either make great music for everyone to enjoy or sell lots of records and make lots of money...but the more i write this the more i am changing my mind o Gabe: i think napster is the greatest promotional tool for any artist. it does diminish record sales to a small extent (which hurts mainly the record COMPANIES [evil, evil]), but it gains a band a wider audience. so bands that are looking to grow as a touring entity (and from touring is where bands derive most of their revenue), will only gain from napster. i find it unfortunate that a band like metallica uses napster as a scapegoat (and thus jeopardizes its existence) for its dwindling career. that is, metallica isn't selling as many records as they used to because everyone knows that 40 year-olds can't rock, but they blame it on napster: "wah-wah, napster takes away our record sales. bitch-bitch." Do you have any pets? Tyler: my dog Ted Theodore Logan he is fat and yellow o Gabe: when my brother and i lived with my divorced father, we had a dog, Oreo. and then i found two kittens on the side of Route 80. one kitten, Thurston, died in my hands a few day after i found him (it was really sad .. . he was sick), the other, Theodore, grew healthy. Unfortunately, when my father remarried, we had to give Theodore away as my step-mother was allergic. We gave him to a nice old lady who was so overwhelmed (Theodore supposedly looked just like her old cat who had recently died--though i find this hard to believe since Theodore had one blue eye and one brown eye--it was fucking the coolest thing) upon receiving him that she begin to sob. My step-mom had two dogs, Max and Mandy, who are both purebreeds. but unfortunately, since purebred=inbred, Max and Mandy are dumb as shit and have the most bizarre habits (e.g. Max will lick the inside of mandy's ear for hours on end--fucking gross). yeah, so they're no where near as cool as my dog, Oreo (who is actually my brother's since he was given to him as a birthday present), and no where near as smart (Oreo is bilingual--for real!) oh yeah, plus my step-mom has a bird, harry (what a dumb name for a bird). i can't imagine that this was at all interesting for anyone to read.


How do you take your coffee? Rob: don't drink it o Tyler: black and strong--like George Jefferson. You know who wore the pants in that family, and here's a hint: it wasn't Wheezy! o Heath: I like my sugar with coffee and cream o Gabe: I don't like coffee What is your favorite zoo exhibit? Rob: We should put humans into cages and then that would be my favorite exhibit o Tyler: I think zoos are terrible and take away the rights of animals-but my favorite animals are goats and ducks o Heath: I like to go watch the monkeys make love o Gabe: zoos are no fun for animals and should not be supported When was your last hospital visit? Rob: When my sis had her first kid two years ago o Tyler: I got into a car accident earlier this year...and i went to the hospital the next day after i slept for 17 hours and thought i might have sever head trauma o Heath: When I was like 3 or 4 I stuck a purple crayon up my nose o Gabe: in January, i was in a bad car wreck and almost died. the girl who was driving would have been dead had i not forced her to put on her seat belt minutes before we were struck from the rear. we spun out like 7 times and ended up on the other side of the highway. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers License test? Tyler: In New Jersey, you don't need a license to drive....i don't think o Heath: ok, i got a 98 on my permit test, but somehow i managed to fail my drivers license test the first time. but, it was during a blizzard, so... o Gabe: i didn't have to take my test, i just told them that i was in the international rock n roll machine known as midtown, and they gave me a free license. i have one from every state we've played in, for shits n' giggles How do you feel about Ouija boards? Tyler: I don't know---I think everyone is moving them, just from finger vibrations that are very subtle. But i have seen weird things happen...but why would parker brothers make a spirit communicating device and also make the game of Life? o Heath: fucking crock of shit o Gabe: a what? Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Rob: dating an ex-girlfriend Masseuse o Tyler: hopefully with really good hair o Heath: probably still alive and bored to death o Gabe: livin' out the true rock n roll dream: dead in some bathtub full of my own blood and urine, with a needle jammed in my arm, and a bottle of barbiturates in my hand. in my other hand, a copy of our hit-record which came and went in a flash. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Rob: got arrested for skateboarding once but that was it o Tyler: no, i skipped that phase of growing up and went straight into the phase where you really want to be a dancer o Heath: i got caught shoplifting batteries and clearasil from pathmark when i was in 8th grade. i never had to go to court or anything, but i did have to pay 150 bucks to some agency o Gabe: "i stay away from crimes, so i aint no criminal" -- tribe called quest What are some words or phrases that you overuse? Rob: dig me this o Tyler: I guess my catch phrase is "Awesome" I would like to get rid of that and use "Dy-no-mite!" o Heath: sweet, nice, holy monkey o Gabe: not one in particular, but i often say everything twice. like I'll say, "right on, right on!'" or "really? really?" it's actually really annoying. Richard and Stefanie from our label call me "Gabe two-times." When is bedtime? Rob: anytime between 11 pm and 6 am o Heath: umm, usually by 2 or 3 am o Gabe: ehh . .. . he. . . he Who's your favorite muppet? Tyler: i like those old guys who sat up in the theater balcony---but if Fraggles count definitely the Doozers, those construction guys o Heath: that king prawn guy from muppets from space o Gabe: unfortunately, since i was born in Uruguay, i was deprived of such American childhood joys as the muppets and sesame street and inspector gadget. instead i had "Cacho Bochinche." I'm dead-serious. What do you think Hell is like? Rob: Rosanne naked o Tyler: probably a lot like our first tour, except it would be really hot, and i probably wouldn't have a penis or something o Gabe: i don't believe in that crap. hell is just a place created in order to scare people into doing the right thing: "if you act morally and justly in this world, upon your death, you will be magically teleported to a wonderful place where you will live out the rest of eternity in peace. but if you stray form the right path, you will suffer an eternity burning in Hell." listen to it, it's a child's tale. i believe that there is a right and wrong, and i believe in acting according to the Moral Law, but i believe in it not because "God said so," but rather, because these moral truths supersede the notion of a higher being. That is, there are philosophical reasons as to why things are right and wrong, and these reasons exist before any idea of a God. for example, if you could imagine that the bible said murder was ok (as some bibles do!), you wouldn't think that murder was in fact permissible, would you? no. rather, you would say, there are reasons why murder is wrong. and these reasons have nothing to do with god. * Hoover isn't really Rob's middle name... Heath put me up to that.